School Psychology


Master of Arts and Psychology Specialist Degrees

CSU School Psychology Program Mission

We promote the well-being and success of children by preparing school psychology students to become effective advocates for the academic, social, and behavioral health of children and adolescents. We employ an eco-behavioral perspective to teach skills needed to solve problems, emphasizing environmental (rather than within-child) factors and influences. We teach and promote proven practices in prevention, assessment, and intervention. We are committed to bringing greater justice to our schools, communities, and the profession of school psychology so that all children can thrive and reach their full potential, particularly children whose voices and identities have been historically marginalized and muted. 

Who are school psychologists? 

The National Association of School Psychologists describes School psychologists as uniquely qualified members of school teams that support students' ability to learn and teachers' ability to teach. They apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior, to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. School psychologists' partner with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community.

Interested applicants are encouraged to become members of the Future School Psychologists of Ohio and attend their virtual meetings. Information is available at the following link:

Alumni Spotlight

Program Overview

The School Psychology specialization of the M.A. degree, in combination with the Psy.S. degree in School Psychology, comprise Cleveland State University's nationally approved (National Association of School Psychologists) and accredited (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) School Psychology Program.  The program views school psychologists as agents of change in children's lives, focusing on children's behavior and functioning within family, school, and community systems. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of consultative, behavior analytic, and intervention skills within urban school settings.

The curriculum includes a total of 51 semester credit hours of coursework for the Master of Arts degree, and 30 semester credit hours for the post-Master's Psychology Specialist (Psy.S., post-M.A.) degree.

The first two years of study in the M.A. program phase provide intensive preparation in psychological foundations (e.g., child development, social psychology, research design) and in assessment methods (e.g., interviewing, observation, testing).  The second year of study includes a year-long, intensive (15 clock hours per week) field practicum to which students are assigned at the close of their first year of study.

The third-year Psy.S. phase further develops knowledge and skills in functional assessment of academic problems (with an emphasis on reading), problem-solving consultation, the role and function of the School Psychologist, and legal and ethical issues.  A series of seminars is offered during the nine-month, full-time internship year to address issues of timely significance.  The Psy.S. degree is awarded upon successful completion of the internship and related coursework.

The program of study comprises a "lockstep" sequence in which students are admitted and enroll in classes as members of an annual cohort. This provision allows students to develop interpersonal and collegial relationships supportive of their academic and professional development, and to complete requirements in a coherent sequence in which experiences build on skills and competencies learned earlier in the program. The program does not presently offer an option for part-time study.


Program Requirements

The program requires a 3-year commitment to full-time study. Students who already hold a graduate degree in a related area are welcome to apply for admission, but they must complete the CSU program curriculum in its entirety. Transfer of relevant credit hours from NASP-approved programs will be considered by the School Psychology Program Committee.

Typical course sequences recommended to students entering the program in recent years may be found in the program handbooks will be provided to students. An example is provided here:

Year One

Fall Semester

  • PSY 536  Functional Assessment of Behavior (3 credits)
  • PSY 513  Tests and Measurement in School Psychology (3)
  • PSY 591  Lifespan Development I (2)
  • PSY 626  Role & Function of the School Psychologist I (3)

Spring Semester

  • PSY 525   Social Psychology (3)
  • PSY 528   Intellectual Assessment and Practicum (4)
  • PSY 537   Child and Adolescent Assessment and Intervention (3)
  • PSY 564   Functional Assessment of Academic Behavior (3)
Year Two

Fall Semester

  • PSY 511  Univariate Statistics (4 credits)
  • PSY 690  Field Placement I (4)
  • PSY 672  Multicultural Psychology and Diversity (3)
  • ESE 500  Introduction to Special Education (3)

Spring Semester

  • PSY 572   Therapeutic Interventions (3)
  • PSY 637   Family-School Collaboration (3)
  • PSY 691   Field Placement II (4)
  • CNS 709  Clinical Psychopharmacology (3)

Award of Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree: 51 semester credit hours

Year Three

Summer Session

  • PSY 670    Crisis Intervention in the Schools (2 credits)
  • PSY 694    Directed Observation in Schools (2)
  • PSY 726    Role and Function of the School Psychologist II (3)
  • PSY 730    Reading Assessment and Intervention (2)
  • PSY 735    System Consultation in School Psychology (3)
  • PSY 736    Student-based Consultation in School Psychology (2)

Year Three (Fall and Spring Semesters)

  • PSY 790/791   Supervised Experience in School Psychology I (6 credits) and II (6)
  • PSY 795/796   Internship Seminar I (2) and II (2)

Award of Psychology Specialist (Psy.S.) Degree: 30 semester credit hours

For descriptions of course content, see the Cleveland State University Graduate Catalog


The School Psychology faculty are actively engaged in a variety of program-related activities, including research, supervision, professional development and service to local schools and educational personnel, service to professional associations, and consultation regarding program development and evaluation. Faculty are committed to the development of strong relationships with students as an important basis for professional growth, providing mentoring, research supervision, ongoing evaluation, and opportunities to contribute to faculty research endeavors.

Areas of faculty research interest include:

  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
  • School-based service delivery models
  • Intervention consultation with teachers and parents
  • Grade retention practices
  • Professional issues in school psychology

More detailed information on faculty interests can be found in the faculty's CVs and faculty profile pages, which can be accessed below.

Blair Baker Assistant Professor

Social justice, racial conflict between students, and racial battle fatigue.

Patrick Frato College Lecturer Achievement Gap, Bilingual Evaluation, Retention, Response to Intervention
Colleen McMahon Associate Professor School psychology, applied behavior analysis, school-based interventions
Shereen Naser Assistant Professor The Cleveland Child and Adolescent Research in Education (C.A.R.E.) Lab

Next Steps for School Psychology Graduates and FAQ

Numerous career opportunities are available to graduates of the program, both immediately upon graduation and following additional training:

Immediate opportunities

Successful completion of the Psy.S. program in School Psychology confers immediate eligibility for School Psychologist credentials from the Ohio Department of Education (educator licensure), authorizing employment by schools throughout Ohio. Graduates also are eligible to receive the Nationally Certified School Psychologist designation.

Recent graduates of the School Psychology program have been employed in public school districts, early childhood programs, day treatment centers for youth with serious emotional disturbances, and nonpublic schools.

A platform for subsequent opportunities:

The Ohio State Board of Psychology School Psychologist license can be obtained upon completion of additional post-degree requirements, including several years of professional practice and successful performance on a Board-administered examination.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I apply to the program?

To apply to the CSU School Psychology Program, you will need to submit (a) a personal statement addressing the following four questions (please also refer to the application instructions for the program, which can be found here):

  • What do you already know about the school psychology profession, and how does that knowledge relate to your interest in the CSU program? What draws you to school psychology as a profession broadly? 
  • Describe your interests in working in particular settings; with particular student populations; or with an emphasis on specific skills or professional interests. 
  • Please describe an academic challenge you experienced and how you used internal and external support to turn the challenge into an accomplishment. We are particularly interested in accomplishments that required you to seek resources and/or assistance beyond your skills and motivation.  
  • Finally, tell us how you plan to use your graduate education in School Psychology after graduation?  

(b) transcripts, and (c) two letters of recommendation, one of which should be from a former or current instructor. Directions for applying to our graduate program are available here. The CSU School Psychology program faculty review all applications which include (a) official undergraduate and graduate transcripts (b) two letters of recommendation, and (c) a personal statement.  We review the entire application and then invite highly-rated applicants for an on-campus group interview.  Following the group interview(s), we send offers of admission.

  1. What kinds of experience and skills are you looking for in a successful application?

Applications that provide evidence of academic achievement, particularly in psychology; interpersonal competence; familiarity with the profession of school psychology; and experience with children are preferred.  The personal statement, academic record (i.e., transcript(s)), and recommendation letters should highlight the applicant's strengths in these areas. Most of our students possess a BA or BS in Psychology; a few hold a BA in Education; and occasionally, students with other majors (e.g., Business, History, Communications) and a Psychology minor (or equivalent coursework) have been admitted. 

For letters of recommendation, two letters which speak to the applicant's academic skills, work ethic, career goals, and interpersonal competence are sufficient. It is not necessary for both letters come from faculty; one letter from a professor or instructor and one from a work supervisor will suffice. We recommend three letters only if the third letter provides unique information about the applicant, different from what is described above. For example, a supervisor from a volunteer experience may add unique information that a work supervisor or a faculty member may not know. 

It is important that applicants understand that a career in school psychology is different from a career in counseling or clinical psychology. The personal statement is the primary source faculty use to assess an applicant's knowledge regarding school psychology. Also, references should be made aware that you are seeking admission to a school psychology (not counseling or clinical psychology graduate program).

  1. I am trying to decide between a career in school psychology and counseling. What is the difference between the professions?

If you have general questions about school psychology training and careers, you can learn more at the National Association of School Psychologists' website (at the following link: We advise potential applicants that school psychologists engage in many professional activities and services including consultation with teachers and parents, prevention, programming, assessment of student performance, system change initiatives, and direct interventions with students. Counselors spend more of their time working directly with students and less time in the type of indirect service delivery that school psychologists provide.

  1. I read online that there is a Master of Art's (M.A.) and Psychology Specialist (Psy.S.) degree programs at Cleveland State. To which program should I apply?

The CSU School Psychology Program includes two-degree phases: Master of Arts (M.A.) and Psychology Specialist (Psy.S.). Both degrees are required for licensure as a school psychologist in Ohio. Applicants to the CSU School Psychology program, including those with previous master's degrees, must apply to the M.A. degree phase of the program. Students who complete the M.A. degree phase are then eligible to apply for the Psy.S. phase.

  1. Are students admitted in the Fall, Spring, or Summer? How many applications do you receive and how many students are admitted each year?

The CSU School Psychology program admits students once per year; students are admitted in the spring for admission into the fall cohort. We receive an average of 65 completed applications and admit  12-14 students per year.

  1. I do not have a Psychology degree (or a Psychology minor). Am I still eligible to apply for admission to the School Psychology Program?

A psychology degree is not required for admission to the CSU School Psychology Program; however, students need a solid foundation in psychology to succeed in the program. If applicants do not have a minor in psychology, we require successful completion (i.e., grade of B or higher) of undergraduate coursework in introduction to psychology, measurement and statistics, development, and abnormal psychology. The courses do not have to be taken at CSU, nor do applicants need to complete them prior to applying for admission. If you have questions about the specific courses we require, please contact Patrick Frato ( We do require that courses be completed by the start of your graduate program in the fall.  

   7. Do I need to take the GRE or Psychology Subject GRE?

No, you do not need to take any portions of the GRE for admission to the program.

    8. I completed related graduate courses at another university. Will I be able to transfer these credits toward a School Psychology                    degree at CSU?             

We frequently admit students who have previous graduate training.  Applicants with previous graduate coursework may submit transcripts and syllabi for an estimate of the number and type of courses which would be acceptable for transfer or the award of credit-by-exam. Once an applicant has been admitted to the program, the committee will conduct a formal review of the previous transcript and work experience for possible transfer credits, credit by exam, and/or reduction in practicum requirements. The College of Graduate Studies limits transfer credits to courses with earned grades of B or higher and courses that are no older than 6 years.  It is important to note that that transfer and other credits do not reduce the time it takes to complete the program (i.e., three years).  

    9. When are courses offered?

The CSU School Psychology Program is full-time only. Most courses are offered during the day, Mondays through Thursdays, with one evening course scheduled per semester.                

    10. Can the program be completed online?

No, the CSU School Psychology program is an on-campus, full-time graduate program.

    11. Can I work and attend the program?

Most graduate students work part-time and complete the program. It is not realistic to maintain a full-time job and complete the program.

    12. Is there an admission interview?

Yes. Invitations to come to campus for a group interview are offered to those applicants whose application was rated highly by program faculty.

    13. How should I prepare for the group admission interview?

Applicants are divided into groups of 6-8 and asked several questions about their interest in and knowledge about school psychology; views about child learning and behavior; and plans after graduate school. The interview does not require special preparation beyond that to complete the admission application.

    14. How much does it cost to complete the school psychology program at CSU?

Tuition for graduate students is currently $620.20 (in-state) per credit hour. We currently require completion of approximately 80 total credit hours across both M.A. and Psy.S. degree phases.

    15. Is tuition assistance available?

Graduate assistantships are available throughout campus. Once admitted to a graduate program, students are eligible to apply. More information is available at . The Psychology Department may be able to offer financial support in the form of graduate assistantships or other student work.  The value of these awards are influenced by budget provisions and the number of grants awarded each semester. In general, preference is given to M.A. students who are enrolled in the Fall and Spring semesters of their first year of study.

Ohio has a school psychology internship program which has been funded by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) for the past 50 years.  Contingent upon continued funding, third year school psychology students (interns) receive state funding during the internship year.

    16. What financial aid is available to graduate students?

Students should complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. Further information about financial aid, loans, scholarships, and grants may be found at .

    17. Do students find their own practicum and internship sites? Are placements all in the Cleveland area?

Field practicum placement and internship placements are assigned by program faculty.  Students may request a non-NE Ohio placement assignment for either practicum or internship, but not for both.

    18. When will I hear from the program once I have completed my application?

The application deadline is January 10th. Invitations for group interviews will likely be sent in late January. Group interviews are held in early February. Admission offers are sent via email in mid to late February, and we will continue to make offers until we have a full cohort (12-14 students) for the upcoming Fall semester.


First-year school psychology graduate students in Associate Professor Colleen McMahon's PSY 536 Functional Assessment of Behavior course at Whitney Young School in CMSD. PSY 536 is a service-learning course with on-campus lectures and labs and one day per week in Whitney Young School for graduate students to learn how to assess children's behavior. Students (Jeannene Mittman, Abby Smith, Jennifer Kramp, Megan Dougherty, Haley Gannon, Abby Dresser, Damien Perry, Lizbeth Figueroa, and Sharif Doleh [Missing: Ashley Ostrowski and Ania Pankowski]) are shown at the school with the results of the toy, clothing, and food drive they started for the students at Whitney Young.


Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Dept. of Psychology
2121 Euclid Ave., PSY
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Union Building 7th Floor (UN)
1836 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115

Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.2544