Friday Focus: 5th-year ADA Student, Morgan Minyo

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"Lean into Discomfort"

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Today's Friday Focus features Morgan Minyo, 5th student in the Adult Development and Aging. PhD program. Originally from Carrel, Ohio, Morgan received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Otterbein University, which is where she first developed a passion for working with older adult populations. Experiences helping to provide care for older gentleman with dementia inspired her to pursue topics related to dementia and caregiving as a doctoral student with Dr. Kathie Judge. Morgan is currently working on her dissertation, which is examining support service utilization and health outcomes for vulnerable older adult populations. This work is supported by a Graduate Student Research Award from the Office of Research at CSU.  Upon obtaining her PhD, Morgan hopes to continue her program of applied research in the areas of dementia and caregiving, preferably within local private sector organizations; however, a potential career in academic is not yet off the table. We wish Morgan all the best as she wraps up a very successful graduate career at CSU!

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Dept. of Psychology
2121 Euclid Ave., PSY
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Union Building 7th Floor (UN)
1836 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115

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Phone: 216.687.2544