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Congratulations to Physics Alumnus, Dr. Glaser!

On Sep 17, 2020 physics alum, Joey Glaser (BS Physics Honors '14, BS Math '14) has defended his PhD thesis " Exploring the Evolution of Planetary Systems within Stellar Open Clusters" at the Physics Department of the Drexel University (in Philadelphia PA) and became Dr. Joseph Glaser.

Joseph is a graduate of the CSU Honors program (presently Honors College). While at CSU, he was an excellent student of physics and math, a physics TA, an SPS officer (a webmaster), an astronomy public outreach activist, and a prolific undergraduate researcher who worked in the lab of Dr Resnick and has 2 peer-reviewed articles from his research at CSU. At Drexel University, Joseph's primary research interests have been in the kinematic evolution of exoplanetary systems while they are embedded within their birth stellar clusters. This is a very difficult, multi-scale problem that has not been explored in detail before due to the complexity and computational resources needed. To address this, he has lead the design of the TYCHO community code for the AMUSE framework (located at: He is expecting to publish a series of papers regarding his PhD research in the coming year. He has also taught several lecture and laboratory recitations during his tenure Drexel University with the desire to continue improving the public's understanding of astronomy and physics.

This fall, Joseph will begin a new phase of his career by joining West Virginia University's section of the NanoGrav consortium as their computational physics specialist.

Joseph is the most recent alum of our Physics BS/BA program to earn a PhD. Since 2008, CSU Department of Physics has graduated more than 35 undergraduates who went on to pursue graduate studies (14 in PhD programs) at Drexel, CALTECH, John Hopkins, Ecole Polytechnic Federale de Lausanne, University of Chicago, Carnegie Mellon, University of Tennesse/Knoxville, Arizona State, Pennsylvania State, Michigan State, Ohio State, Kent State, University of Massachusetts/Boston, University of Cincinnati, University of Connecticut, CWRU, and CSU.

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Department of Physics
2121 Euclid Avenue, PHY
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Science Building (SI)
2399 Euclid Avenue, Rm. 112

Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.2425
Fax: 216.523.7268