Mathematics Colloquium

The Math Department's Colloquiums are held on Fridays from 2:30 to 3:30 pm in Rhodes Tower 1516. Refreshments start at 2:00 PM.

Spring 2025

May 2 (2:30)Sakshi Arya (CWRU)TBD
Apr. 4 (1:00)Jumping Shi (College of William and Mary)
Apr. 3 (1:00)Amy Buchmann (Univ. of San Diego)
Mar. 21 (1:00)Chang-Hong Wu (National Yang Ming Chi Tung University, NYCU)


Jan. 24 (2:30)Barbara Margolius (CSU Emeritus)

Fall 2024

Nov. 15 (2:30)Karen Abbott (CWRU)
Oct. 18 (2:30)Xueying (Snow) Wang (Washington State Univ.)Colloquium Flyer for X. Wang
Sept 26 (1:00)Vlad Sworski (Colorado State Univ)Something "Super Special": A Tale of Isogeny Graphs, Cryptosystems, and Structures in the First and Second Dimension
Sept 20 (2:30)Shigui Ruan (Univ of Miami, FL)Modeling the Growth, Invasion and Competition of Aedes Mosquitos

Spring 2024

April 26Daniele Rosso (Indiana University Northwest)Grothendieck rings of towers of generalized Weyl algebras
April 12Yanyu Xiao (University of Cincinnati)Examine the environmental effects on population dynamics of insects via some mathematical models and experimental data
March 29Michael Robert (Virginia Tech)An old threat in new territory: investigating dengue emergence with mathematical modeling
March 22Anuj Abhishek (Case Western Reserve University)An operator learning framework for an inverse problem in Electrical Impedance Tomography
February 2Rachel Diethorn (Oberlin College)Free resolutions of differential operators

Fall 2023

December 8Rosalia and Joshua (CSU Honors Students)Honors Senior Project Presenations
October 20Alexander Wilson (VAP at Oberlin College)Super Multiset RSK and the Restriction Problem

October 13

**4pm in WH401**

Hakan Doga (Postdoc Mathematician at IBM Research, CCF)**Special Colloquium on Quantum Computing** (Note time and location)
September 29Michael Roysdon (VAP at CWRU)Framework for the Theory of Higher Order Convex Bodies
September 15Gennadiy Averkov (Brandenburgische Technische Universitat)Plücker-type Inequalities for Mixed Areas and Intersection Numbers of Curve Arrangements

Spring 2023

February 10Steve Szabo (Eastern Kentucky University)A (larger) taxonomy of Dedekind-finite rings and reflexive rings.
Feb 15, 17, 24TT Stats Job Candidate InterviewsMisc.
March 3Luciane Quoos (Instituto de Matematica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)Algebraic Curves and Codes
March 10Alexandra Seceleanu (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln)Symmetric Monomial Ideals
March 13-17Spring Break No Scheduled Talks
March 24Pedro Gerum (CSU Business)Deep learning for real-time probabilistic traffic congestion prediction
March 31Osvlado Tapia Dueñas (Visiting Scholar at CSU from Autonomous University of Aguascalientes)Benefits of Simplification, Compression, and Reconstruction of 3D Objects using Chain Codes and Helical Paths
April 7 (1:00pm)Eduardo Camps-Moreno (Visiting Scholar at CSU)MRSD Codes and Anticodes in the sum-rank metric
PostponedAndreas Aristotelous (U. Akron)Postponed until Fall 2023
April 14Sudhir R. Ghorpade (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)A Confluence of Coding Theory, Combinatorics, and Commutative Algebra
April 21Rowan Barker-Clarke (CCF, Theory Division)Masking, maintenance and mimicry: the interplay of cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic effects in evolutionary games
April 28Nick Battista (The College of New Jersey, Mathematics)Wiggling and Paddling: Exploring Tomopteris Swimming Performance
May 5Eliseo Sarmiento Rosales (Visiting Scholar at CSU, Prof Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico)Maximum Zeros and Generalized Hamming Weight
May 19 (10 am)Zhishen Shuai (Univ. of Central Florida)TBA

Fall 2022

October 14Luke Oeding (Auburn University)Jordan Decompositions of Tensors and Applications to Quantum Information
October 21Henry Chimal-Dzul (Notre Dame Univ.)Representations of Special Classes of Linear Codes
October 28Paul Zachlin (Lakeland) and Anna Davis (Ohio Dominican)Explorations in Resources for Linear Algebra Courses
November 4Hayden Julius (YSU, former student at CSU)ZPD Algebras and Related Questions
November 11No Colloquium (Veteran's Day Observed)N/A
November 18Matea Santiago (U. Arizona)Pulsing Xeniid Corals Modeling and SImulation:  Mixing, Photosynthesis, and Muscle Contraction

Spring 2022

April 26Katherine SammonHonors Project Presentation - Location Julka Hall 338
April 29Qixuan Wang (UC Riverside)Roles of Cellular Anisotropy and Heterogeneity in Life
May 6B. Kovacic, J. Rausch, R. Schonhuitt (CSU)Reserved for Honors Project Presentations
March 8 - April 1Candidate InterviewsMisc.

Fall 2021

October 15Alberto Ravagnani (Eindhoven)Structure of Codes for the Sum-Rank Metric
October 22Francesca Gandini (Kalamazoo College)Degree bounds for invariant skew polynomials

Spring 2021

January 29David Duncan (JMU)Triangles and Princesses and Bears! Oh My!
February 26Bhargav Karamched (Florida State)Mechanisms Underlying Spatiotemporal Patterning in Microbial Collectives: A Model's Perspective
March 12Seongjai Kim (Mississippi State)Mathematics of Digital Image Interpolation
March 26Matt Evans (Oberlin College)Spectra of commutative BCK-algebras
April 9Department of Math/Stat FacultyDiscussion of Online Homework Systems for Future
April 12 - 16Job CandidatesResearch Talks
April 30K. Ball and S. Alfaro (CSU Math)Honors Undergraduate Research Presentations

Fall 2020

September 18Lori Ziegelmeier (Macalester College)Using Topology to Measure Dynamics of Time-Varying Systems
October 9Sandra Elizabeth Delgadillo Aleman and Roberto Ku CarrilloA Mathematical Model for the Pest Control on a Broccoli Crop
October 16Eliseo Sarmiento Rosales (National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico)Q-Borel Ideals
October 23Magali Tournus (Ecole Centrale Marseille, France)A Wasserstein Norm for Signed Measures
October 30Sara Jamshidi Zelenberg (Lake Forest College)Using randomness and learning to calculate Gröbner bases in a novel way
November 6Claudiu Raicu (Univ. of Notre Dame)Equations and Syzygies for Varieties of Binary Forms
November 13Arkadz Kirshtein (UMass Amherst)Mathematical Modeling of Colon Cancer Progression
November 20Mehrshad Sadria (U. Waterloo)A Computational Model for Metabolism and Circadian Clock
December 4Alexandra Seceleanu (U. Nebraska-Lincoln)Monomials, convex bodies, and optimization
December 7Elisabeth Helmick (CSU Math Honors Student)Mathematics Honors Senior Project

Spring 2020

January 31Daniela Calvetti, Case Western Reserve UniversityComputationally predictive models of integrated cerebral metabolism, electrophysiology and hemodynamics
February 7COSHP Teaching Award Luncheon12:00-1:30 in the Student Center
February 14Sachin Gautam, Ohio State UniversityDifferential Equations and Monodromy Problems
February 21Robert Short, John Carroll UniversityMaximizing Flow over Space Networks using Temporal Graphs and Sheaves
March 20 (POSTPONED due to Extended Spring Break from COVID19)Hong Mei Li, Liaoning University (China)A Study on Systemic Risk in the Chinese Commercial Banks
March 27 (POSTPONED due to suspension from face-to-face activities from COVID19)Steve Szabo, Eastern Kentucky UniversityTBD
April 10 (POSTPONED due to suspension from face-to-face activities from COVID19)Claudiu Raicu, Notre Dame UniversityTBD
April 17  (POSTPONED due to suspension from face-to-face activities from COVID19)COSHP/COE FacultyScience Research Day

Fall 2019

September 20Alex Hoover, U. AkronFrom Nerve Net to Vortex Ring: A Computational Modeling Approach to Medusan Biomechanics
September 27Peter Gordon, Kent State UniversityGelfand-type Problems for Turbulent Jets
October 4Dan Florentin, CSUNew Functional Polarity Inequalities
October 18Steven Scheirer, Ashland Univ.Discrete Morse Theory and Topological Complexity of Unordered Graph Configuration Spaces
October 25Alicia Prieto Langarica, Youngstown State Univ.Modeling the Long-term Effects of Thermoregulation on Human Sleep
November 15Phuong Ngo, CSU EconomicsStock Price Fluctuations and Productivity Growth
November 22Felice Manganiello, Clemson UniversityReed-Muller codes with application to quantum computation and information retrieval

Spring 2019

February 22Zachary McCarthy, York UniversityLinking influenza virus infection to risk of cardiovascular events: a mechanistic approach
March 22Mykhailo Potomkin, Penn State University Mathematics predicts discontinuities in dynamics of living cells
March 29Luise-Charlotte Kappe, Binghamton UniversityOn the nonabelian tensor product of cyclic groups of p-power order
April 5Nara Yoon, Cleveland Clinic (LRI)Mathematical Modeling of Resistance to Anti-Cancer Drugs
April 12Longhua Zhao, CWRUFluid-Structure Interactions with Biological Applications
April 26Adam Van Tuyl, McMaster UniversityColloquiumAbstractAvanTuyl_Apr26_2019.pdf
May 3Prayat Poudel, Centre College (KY)ColloquiumAbstractPrayatPoudel_May3_2019.pdf
May 7Hermilo Sánchez-Cruz, Universidad Autónoma de AguascalientesCoding and dominant point detection for shape-of-objects

Fall 2018

November 2Gil Ariel, Bar Ilan University (Israel)Chaos and Levy walks in swarming bacteria
November 30Semyon Alekser, Tel Aviv University (Israel)TBA
December 7CSU Math Honors StudentsHonors Project Presentations (if needed)

Spring 2018

February 16Ryan Vitale, Indiana UniversityGraphical Presentations of Tensor Categories
March 19Frank Sottile, Texas A&M UniversityGalois Groups in Enumerative Geometry and Applications
March 30Wanda Strychalski, CWRUContinuous and Discrete Energy Based Methods for Accurate Force Computations on Shells in the Immersed Boundary Method
April 6Ann Johnston, Penn State UniversityRegistries-based Population Size Estimation: An Algebraic Statistics Perspective
April 10Mark Hamilton, Mount Allison University (Canada)Monodromy in classical and quantum mechanical systems 

Spring 2017

April 21stMalena Espanol, Univ. of AkronDeblurring Images with Mathematical Models
April 7thNick Scoville, Ursinus College (PA)Towards a new digital homotopy
February 3rdPeter Thomas, Case Western Reserve University Advances in phase reduction: discontinuous, stochastic, and singular oscillators

Fall 2016

December 2Jon C. Freeman, NASA Glenn ResearchResolution of the Priority Dispute on the Special Theory of Relativity; Einstein, Poincare, Lorentz, Larmor, and Voigt
November 4Andrew Jones, Florida A&M UniversityGas Transport and Applications to Materials Processing

Spring 2015

April 10Ali Tahzibi, University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos, BrazilCoin Tossing and Fubini's Nightmare
February 4Paul-Eugene Parent, University of OttawaTopological Complexity: A product formula

Fall 2014

November 21Mark Hamilton, Mount Allison UniversityIndependence of polarization in geometric quantization

Spring 2014

May 13Linda Gojak, National Council of Teachers of MathematicsSTEMM Education: Fostering School University Connections
April 2Omer Bobrowski, Duke UniversityPhase Transitions in Random Cech complexes
February 7Sandra Hurtado, Weill Cornell Medical CollegeA Transformation Class for Spatio-temporal Survival Data With a Cure Fraction
February 5Shanshan Ding, University of PennsylvaniaEnvelopes for Matrix-valued Regressions
February 3Reza Ramezan, University of WaterlooMultivariate Analysis of Neural Spike Trains: Skellam Process with Resetting and Its Applications
January 31Mark Grant, Newcastle University, UKTopological Complexity of Groups
January 29Jose Gonzalez, University of British ColumbiaSome Ideas from Combinatorics, Commutative Algebra and Topology in the Realm of Algebraic Geometry
January 27Javid Validashti, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignMultiplicities and Distinguishing Singularities

Fall 2013

November 22Jim Keener, University of UtahThe Mathematics of Life: Decisions, Decisions

Spring 2013

April 26Alethea Barbaro, Case Western Reserve UniversityA mathematical view of fish migration
March 29Vidit Nanda, University of PennsylvaniaReconstructing manifolds and functions from noisy point samples
March 1Dan Munther, Centre for Disease Modeling, York UniversityEnhanced surveillance on food-borne disease outbreaks: Dynamics of cross-contamination in biocidal wash procedure
February 27Kathleen Wilkie, Tufts University School of MedicineMathematical Modeling of Immune-Modulated Tumor Growth
February 22Christian Laing, Wilkes UniversityAnalysis of RNA structures by using geometric shape descriptors

Fall 2012

November 27,
Tuesday, 2:50 PM
Flavia C. Sancier-Barbosa, Wittenberg UniversityClosing the memory gap in stochastic functional differential equations-CANCELED
November 16Tony Shaska, Oakland UniversitySome remarks on the hyperelliptic moduli of genus 3
November 2Steve Szabo, Eastern Kentucky UniversityGeneralized Cyclic Convolutional Codes

Spring 2012

April 27Rachelle Bouchat, Slippery Rock UniversityEdge Ideals, Path Ideals, and the Linear Strand
April 13Maria Tjani, University of ArkansasClosed range composition operators on Besov type spaces
March 30
4 PM, MC 136
Christine Franklin, The University of GeorgiaThe Future of Introductory Statistics Courses and the Common Core State Standards in K-12
March 9Mark Grant, The University of NottinghamTopology and Robotics
February 10John Duncan, Case Western Reserve UniversityK3 surfaces, quantum black holes and a sporadic simple group

Fall 2011

December 2Qi Chen, Winston-Salem State UniversityTopological Invariants Associated with Quantum Groups
November 4Benjamin Nill, Case Western Reserve UniversityEhrhart theory in practice
October 14Don Edwards, University of South CarolinaStatistics and healthcare fraud investigations
September 30Partha Srinivasan, Cleveland State UniversityModels of the Honey Bees Nest Site Selection Process
September 16Michael Nowak, Northern Ohio Trauma System, Metro HospitalOn statistics related to trauma

Spring 2011

May 4Mikhail Chebotar, Kent State UniversityCharacterization of Lie maps and other questions connecting Lie algebra and Ring Theory
April 22Zach Teitler, Boise State UniversityRanks of Polynomials
April 1Kiumars Kaveh, University of PittsburghConvex bodies and algebraic varieties
April 22Jenya Soprunova, Kent State UniversityMinkowski length of polytopes

Fall 2010

December 3Victor Turchin, Kansas State UniversityManifold calculus of functors
November 5Janusz Adamus, The University of Western OntarioEffective methods in geometry of polynomial mappings
October 21, ThursdayBenjamin Howard, University of MichiganThe invariants of n points on the line, and spatial polygons

Spring 2010

April 8, ThursdayHema Srinivasan, University of Missouri, ColumbiaResolution of Certain Binomial Ideals
April 2Rongling Wu, Pennsylvania State UniversityA Model for Functional Genome-wide Association Studies of Dynamic Traits
March 26Yangjin Kim, University of Michigan - DearbornPattern Formation of Glioma Cells Outside the Tumor Spheroid Core
March 5David Richter, Western Michigan UniversityA Survey of Ghost Symmetry
February 26Matthew Kahle, Stanford UniversityConfiguration Spaces of Hard Discs
February 12Andrew Resnick, Cleveland State University, PhysicsFluid Mechanics

Fall 2009

November 20Shuying Sun, Case Comprehensive Cancer CenterNext-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis and a Maximization Problem
November 13Elizabeth Meckes, Case Western Reserve UniversityWhen is normal normal? Approximation results for random measures
October 16Sean Chang, DreamworksThe Mathematics of Digital Entertainment - an Industry Perspective
October 2Weihong Guo, Case Western Reserve UniversityMathematical Approaches on Some Image Processing and Analysis Problems

Spring 2009

March 13Tanujit Dey, The College of William and MaryFully Nonparametric Bayesian Analysis in Regression Model with Serially Correlated Errors
February 27Mike Ferrara, The University of AkronH-Linked Graphs

Spring 2008

May 1, ThursdayK.T. Arasu, Wright State UniversitySequences with good correlation properties
April 18Sookkyung Lim, University of CincinnatiSimulation of blood flow in a compliant vessel by the immersed boundary method
April 11Sergei Chmutov, Ohio State UniversityGraphs on surfaces and knot theory
March 21
4 PM - 5 PM
Dursun Bulutoglu, Air Force Institute of TechnologyClassification of Orthogonal Arrays by Integer Programming
March 7
In Stilwell Hall 103
Hassan K. Khalil, Michigan State UniversityConditional Servo/Integral Action in Nonlinear Control

Fall 2007

November 30Dima Ryabogin, Kent State UniversityOn the local equatorial characterization of Zonoids
November 21 Wednesday in RT 502Sean Chang, Dream Works AnimationMathematical Foundations of Computer Generated Digital Entertainment
November 16Jenia Tevelev, University of MassachusettsTropical Elimination Theory
November 8 ThursdayKevin Woods, Oberlin CollegeSolving Lattice Point Problems Using Rational Generating Functions
October 19Ualbai Umirbaev, Eurasian National UniversityAutomorphisms of polynomial and free algebras

Spring 2007

April 20Yusu Wang, Ohio State UnivesityGeometric and Topological methods in protein structure analysis
April 13Hema Srinivasan, University of Missouri, ColumbiaGraded Resolutions, Multiplicity and Graphs
March 30Webster West, Texas A & M UniversityAdventures in Teaching with Technology
March 2C.L. Chang, Cleveland State UniversityNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
February 23Johannes Hatzls, University of WaterlooThe Lights Out Game: A Domination Problem with Parity Constraints
February 16Artem Zvavitch, Kent State UniversityThe Busemann-Petty problem for arbitrary measures
February 9Frank Baginski, George Washington UniversityThe Ups and Downs of Large High-Altitude Balloons

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Mathematics & Statistics
2121 Euclid Ave., MTH
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Rhodes Tower (RT)
1860 E. 22nd Street, Rm. 1515

Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.4680