Math Club
The Math Club meets weekly during the Fall and Spring semesters. A schedule of events can be found on the Math Club web page along with information about the Biweekly Problems Contest, conference trips and more.
Pi Mu Epsilon
Pi Mu Epsilon is dedicated to the promotion of mathematics and the recognition of students who successfully pursue mathematical understanding. To promote mathematics, the National Pi Mu Epsilon Council sponsors an annual conference in conjunction with the Mathematics Association of America’s (MAA) annual MathFest.
For more information, click here.
Math Corps at CSU
The Math Corps at CSU is a combined academic enrichment and mentoring program that brings middle and high school students from the greater Cleveland area together, with college students, to learn mathematics from each other, as well as to interact with professional mathematicians in a university setting.
For more information, click here.
Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
LSAMP is a free program that provides an engaging experience for Under-Represented Minorities (URMs) students interested in ∫TEM majors to pass calculus courses.
For more information, click here.
Operation STEM
Operation STEM is a National Science Foundation grant-funded program that provides students with a community of peers, assistance in Precalculus and Calculus classes, STEM Peer Teachers, and research opportunities in order to promote successful CSU graduates.
For more information, click here.