The Department of Mathematics and Statistics has specialized general education sequences tailored to meet the needs of students in majors across the university.
For students interested in exciting career opportunities, we offer minors in mathematics and statistics as well as a bachelor's degree in mathematics. At the graduate level, we offer a master's of science in mathematics and a master's of science in mathematics with a specialization in applied statistics.
Acquiring skills in mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics strategically places today's graduate at the forefront of the big data revolution, financial mathematics, quantitative analysis, and scientific research. Make an appointment today to meet with an advisor from the Department of Mathematics to discuss career options with a major and/or minor in mathematics and statistics.
Career Information: Statistician, Mathematician, Actuary (All in U.S. News Best 100 Jobs for 2019)
Free Student Memberships for AMS and AWM: Apply here
Students should consider the Accelerated (formerly 4+1) Program in Mathematics and Statistics!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. The statistics courses in the Mathematics Department will now have an STA prefix instead of MTH. Please look for this when scheduling courses. 2. Dr. Shawn Ryan was awarded the 2023-2024 Provost's Distinguished Faculty Award for Teaching and the 2023-2024 Jearl D. Walker College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award 3. Dr. Jason Stone was awarded the 2023-2024 College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Staff Award