Scientific Meetings Attended by Graduate Students

(2024) Bhatt, Basanti. Stable carbon isotopes of sediment pore water from the central basin of Lake Erie as indicators of hypoxia? AGU Fall meeting, December 9-13, 2024, Washington, DC

(2024) DiBiasio, Emily. Evaluating oxygen consuming organic matter in the central and eastern basins of Lake Erie using stable carbon isotopes. IAGLR, 67th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, May 20-24, 2024, Ontario, Canada

(2024) Gordon, Alex. Detecting a distress signal in stemflow: Beech leaf disease nematode (Litylenchus crenatae ssp. mccannii). American Geophysical Union fall meeting, December 9-13, 2024, Washington, DC

(2024) Noren, Benjamin. Effect of pre-storm filling of bark water storage on stemflow variability. American Geophysical Union fall meeting, December 9-13, 2024, Washington, DC

(2023) DiBiasio, Emily, Analyzing spring carbon dynamics across the nearshore-offshore boundary of Lake Erie off the Cleveland coast. IAGLR, 66th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, May 8-12, 2023, Ontario, Canada

(2016) Dhar, Jayeeta/Barik, Sailen. Suppression of pulmonary innate immunity by Pneumonia Virus of Mice (PVM). Presented as a poster in 32nd Clinical Virology Symposium; Daytona Beach, Florida; May 19-22, 2016

(2015) Joswala, Swetha. International C. elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 2015

(2015) Kermack, Justin. Presented at Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 2015

(2015) Kermack, Justin. Presented at Ohio Invasive Plants Council Research Meeting, Columbus, OH, 2015

(2014) Begley, M. T./Krebs, R. A. Poster title: Survey of Freshwater Mussels in Eagle Creek, Portage and Trumbull Counties, OH. Ohio Natural History Conference, Columbus, OH, February 15, 2014

(2014) Begley, M. T./Krebs, R. A. Poster title: Survey of Freshwater Mussels in Eagle Creek, Portage and Trumbull Counties, OH. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference, University of Dayton, March 1-2, 2014

(2014) Begley, M. T./Krebs, R. A. Poster title: Freshwater Mussel Community Structure in a Northeastern Ohio Watershed. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 10-15, 2014, Sacramento, CA

(2014) Benchek, Dan/Joswala, Swetha. Abhishek Ganguly, Midwest Meiosis Meeting, Cleveland, OH, 2014

(2014) Poddar, Darshana. 2nd International Conference on Genomics and Pharmacogenomics, Raleigh, North Carolina, September 8th – 10th 2014

(2013) Begley, M. T./Krebs, R. A. Poster title: Comparison of Genetic Diversity in the Freshwater Mussel Pyganodon grandis between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference, University of Notre Dame, IN, March 23-24, 2013

(2013) Benchek, Dan/Skrtic, Brendan. Midwest Meiosis Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 2013

(2013)  Jha, PhD, Sujata. Platform presentation at the EMBO conference "The biology of molecular chaperones: From molecules, organelles and cells to misfolding diseases" in 2013 in Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy

(2013) Prescott, Trevor/Krebs, Robert/Clapham, Wentworth/Klarer, David. Assessment of river mouths as unionid refugia along a Laurentian Great Lake. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society 8th Biennial Symposium, Recovery & Restoration, from Concept to Implementation, Guntersville, AL, March, 2013

(2012) Ghosh, PhD, Arnab. (presently, Post-Doctoral Fellow) presented posters at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) "Translational Control" Meetings, Cold Spring Harbor, NY in 2012

(2012)  Jha, PhD, Sujata. presented posters at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) "Translational Control" Meetings, Cold Spring Harbor, NY in 2012

(2012) Poddar, Darshana. Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Translation Control of Gene Expression, September 4- September 8, 2012, Platform presentation

(2011) Poddar, Darshana. Keystone Symposium of Immunoregulatory Network, April 1 – April 6, 2011, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, April 2011

(2011) Prescott, T./Krebs R. A./ Klarer, D. Assessing habitat suitability for native freshwater mussels along Lake Erie's Coast. 7th Biennial Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, Louisville, KY, April, 2011

(2010) Das, Priyanka. Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Translation Control of Gene Expression, September 2010

(2011) Ghosh, PhD, Arnab. (presently, Post-Doctoral Fellow) presented posters at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) "Translational Control" Meetings, Cold Spring Harbor, NY in 2010

(2010)  Jha, PhD, Sujata. presented posters at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) "Translational Control" Meetings, Cold Spring Harbor, NY in 2010

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