Faculty & Research

William Baldwin CCF cardiac and renal allograft rejection; vascular inflammation
Cornelia Bergmann CCF regulation of and function of CD8 T cells during viral infections of the central nervous system (CNS) associated with demyelination
Kathleen L. Berkner CCF homeostasis and the physiology of vitamin K
Ruchi Bhattacharya CSU

biogeochemistry, paleolimnology, computational geoscience

Meredith Bond CSU cardiovascular pathology
G. Valentin Boerner CSU molecular genetics: functional analysis of chromosome dynamics
Tatiana Byzova CCF cell adhesion molecules (integrins) in thrombosis, vascular biology and cancer; vascular endothelial growth factors, angiogenesis, extracellular matrix
Andrea Corbett CSU plant ecology: plant competition, root-soil dynamics, community ecology, community diversity, secondary succession in old-fields, invasive species, solar tracking in arctic flowers
Margot Damaser CCF urological biomechanics; the nature of maternal birth injuries and the post-injury healing process; application of stem cell technology to facilitate injury recovery
R. Jeffrey Dean CSU neuroscience: motor control of limb movement & coordination in insects, amphibians, humans and robots; neuroethology: lateral line orientation; cybernetics, neural modeling & artificial neural networks
Rebecca Drenovsky JCU plant-soil interface; resource availability influences on plant physiology and ecological processes; climate change, anthropogenic disturbance; invasive species
Ranjan Dutta  CCF multiple sclerosis (MS); differences between relapse-remitting and progressive phases of MS; molecular changes underlying neuronal degeneration in MS and possible therapies
Mary Gardiner OSU agricultural landscape ecology; invasive species; entomology; conservation of parasitoids, predators, and pollinators
Brian Gastman CCF tumor Immunology - induction of suppressor cells and immune evasion; cancer therapy resistance - oncogenes with anti-apoptotic and anti-senescent functions rendering tumors chemotherapy resistant
Merlin Nithya Gnanapragasam CSU transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of mammalian erythropoiesis, hemoglobin gene switching, anemias such as Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemias, Sickle Cell Anemia, and Beta Thalassemia, and Erythroleukemias
Zihua Gong LRI DNA repair pathway choice of BRCA1 and BRCA2
Shamone Gore Panter CSU  molecular cardiology, gene expression, cardiovascular genetics and electrophysiology, atrial fibrillation
Brice Grunert CSU remote sensing, GIS, geospatial datasets, ecosystem processes
Kailash Gulshan CSU cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, autophagy, inflammation, interleukins, sphingolipids
Neetu Gupta CCF molecular mechanisms regulating B cell antigen receptor signaling, B cell proliferation, and fate, Role for ezrin
Stanley Hazen CCF cell biology: biochemistry of oxidative tissue damage
Meagan Harless  CSU herpetology; community ecology; ecotoxicology of pollutants in freshwater systems; conservation biology; parasitology in amphibians
Peng Jiang CSU data science, computational biology, bioinformatics, biostatistics, machine learning, gene regulation, developmental & regenerative biology
Trine Joergensen CCF autoimmunity; systemic lupus erythematosus; gender differences; role of interferons in autoimmunity
Jeffrey P. Johansen JCU botany: ecology and systematics of algae; use of diatoms as water quality indicators; biogeography of terrestrial algae; ecology and rehabilitation of cryptogamic soil crusts
Andrew Jones CMNH phylogeography of birds in island and mountain habitats; avian natural history
Michael Kalafatis CSU biochemistry of blood coagulation and thrombosis
Sadashiva Karnik CCF molecular cardiology: molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in blood pressure regulation
Anton A. Komar CSU molecular biology: translational regulation of gene expression
Roman Kondratov CSU molecular mechanisms of aging and circadian rhythms
Robert A. Krebs CSU evolutionary biology: historical changes in freshwater mussel (Unionidae) distributions; models of genetic changes associated with colonization and isolation in refugia; mussel conservation
Justin Lathia CCF tumor microenvironment and communication mechanisms used by cancer stem cells
Bibo Li CSU molecular biology: telomere functions; pathogenesis of Trypanosoma brucei (a protozoan parasite causing sleeping sickness in humans and Nagana in cattle) in relation to telomere function and regulation of surface antigen switching to avoid immune responses
Zihan Lin CSU environmental-health nexus, geospatial data science, urban green space
Michelle Longworth CCF mechanism  of DNA organization as it pertains to proper chromosome segregation during cell division as well as the regulation of transcription relevant to development, innate immune signaling and the pathogenesis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Kristen Lukas CMZ study and conservation of African apes focusing on the impact of environmental factors on behavior, the etiology of abnormal behavior, and factors influencing conservation attitudes
Barsanjit Mazumder CSU molecular biology: molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular disease; post-transcriptional regulation of pro-inflammatory gene expression in endothelial cells, monocytes, and macrophages
Keith McCrae CCF function of blood vessels in health and disease; antiphospholipid syndrome; microparticles--small pieces of cells that circulate in the blood, and promote blood clotting; role of kininogen in regulating vascular functions
Tom McIntyre CCF uncontrolled oxidation of phospholipids; trafficking of inflammatory cells leading to cardiovascular disease
Barbara K. Modney CSU neuroscience: specificity of synaptic connections during development and following injury; development of neuronal circuits and behavior
Christine S. Moravec CCF molecular cardiology: decreased contractility in heart failure: Ca cycling, sarcoplasmic reticulum function, gene expression
Kevin Mueller CSU global change ecology; biodiversity; biogeochemistry; plant functional traits; land management; urban ecology; environmental pollution; paleoclimate & paleoecology; plant lipids & biomarkers (chemical fossils)  
Laura Nagy CCF how chronic alcohol consumption contributes to chronic diseases, such as liver disease and diabetes
Edward Plow CCF Integrin signaling in leukocyte responses during inflammation and platelet aggregation
Jun Qin CCF structural biology: relationships between protein structure and function in cellular signal transduction pathways
Gunnar Poplawski CCF in vitro culturing and in vivo models of neurodegeneration; neuronal rejuvenation; chronic spinal cord injury; inhibiting brain cancer cells from invading different brain areas
Emily Rauschert CSU Plant ecology: population and spatial dynamics, dispersal, species coexistence, biological invasions and biotic homogenization
Ofer Reizes CCF obesity, adipose tissue development and maintenance, syndecans and heparan sulfate proteoglycan
Andrew Resnick CSU sensory cilia in cellular mechanosensation; optical probes of matter; epithelial cell culture, electrophysiology, microscopy and laser tweezers, microfluidics and analytical modeling; renal and airway epithelial tissue
Terry L. Robison CMP genetics, reforestation, ecosystem and pest management; influence of disturbances on ecosystem services
Tony L. Sahley CSU auditory neurophysiology and neuropharmacology
Tobili Y. Sam-Yellowe CSU microbiology, immunology, and parasitology: mechanisms of erythrocyte invasion in malaria; role of apical complex organelles in merozoite invasion in Plasmodium falciparum and P. chabaudi
Dennis Sampson  CSU infectious disease microbiology, plant mating systems, plant stress physiology
Aaron Severson CSU meiosis, DNA replication, generation of sister chromatid cohesion, homolog pairing, and crossover recombination, and unique pattern of chromosome segregation
Nima Sharifi CCF metabolic processes, prostate cancer
Girish Shukla CSU molecular biology of RNA: in vivo and in vitro mechanisms of nuclear pre-mRNA splicing, structure-function of small RNAs, understanding the role of miRNAs in prostate cancer, modulation of androgen receptor by miRNAs in prostate cancer
Robert H. Silverman CCF cancer biology: mechanism of action of interferons, particularly the role of RNase L
Jonathan D. Smith CCF mechanisms and pathways relevant to human cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, and HDL metabolism  
Apollo Stacy CCF how metabolites regulate microbiome-host interactions; oral microbiome; bacterial metabolism; inflammation
George Stark CCF molecular biology: protein and nucleic acid biochemistry, DNA amplification, molecular biology of signal transduction pathways
Olga Stenina-Adognravi CCF vascular complications of diabetes 
Dennis Stuehr CCF immunology: biology and biochemistry of nitric oxide, a molecule involved in cell signaling and host defense
Gavin Svenson CMNH systematics and phylogenetics of the praying mantises (Mantodea)
Wilson Tang CCF mechanistic determinants of cardiovascular disease, particularly in human heart failure and cardiomyopathy
Jackson Taylor CSU genetic regulation of aging and lifespan
Bruce D Trapp CCF cellular/molecular events involved in glial cell development and myelin formation in the central and peripheral nervous systems (CNS and PNS); pathogenic mechanisms involved in permanent neurological disability in human diseases of myelin such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Vincent K. Tuohy CCF cancer vaccines, cancer immunotherapy, primary immunoprevention of breast and ovarian cancer
John Van Stan CSU environmental science and geography, landscape ecology, wetlands, environmental science & policy
Jacqueline Vitali CSU protein crystallography, specifically biomedically important enzymes
B. Michael Walton CSU ecological physiology and evolutionary biology: studies of behavioral energetics, whole-organism performance, and the relationship of these variables to growth and survival in natural populations of reptiles and amphibians
Crystal M. Weyman CSU cell biology: signaling pathways regulating proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and transformation of skeletal myoblasts
Jessica Williams CCF, CMB neuroimmunology; autoimmunity; cytokine signaling in glia during multiple sclerosis
Julie A. Wolin CSU environmental science: diatom assemblage analysis applied to current environmental impact studies and to paleolimnological reconstructions
Jingqi Yan CSU neuroscience, biophysics, brain function and pathophysiology of autism and metabolic disorders
Fasong Yuan CSU geology and environmental science: geochemical and isotopic tracers to investigate physical processes occurring in lakes and rivers, aqueous and environmental geochemistry to assess anthropogenic disturbances, environmental indicators for modern and ancient aquatic systems
Bin Zhang CCF early secretory pathway deficiencies in human diseases such as hemophilia A and cancer
CSU - Cleveland State University CMB - Cell and Molecular Biology
CCF -  Cleveland Clinic Foundation OEB - Organismal and Evolutionary Biology
CWRU - Case Western Reserve University GEO - Geology
JCU - John Carroll University EVS - Environmental Science
CBG - Cleveland Botanical Garden  
CMP - Cleveland Metroparks  
CMZ - Cleveland Metroparks Zoo  
CMNH - Cleveland Museum of Natural History  


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Cleveland State University
Bio., Geo., & Env. Sciences
2121 Euclid Avenue, BGES
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

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Science Building (SI)
2399 Euclid Avenue, Rm. 219

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