BGES Graduate Program Forms

Student Forms

Plan of Study Certification Outline plan of courses and timeline to completion
MS Non-Thesis Committee Agreement Designate Advisor and two exam committee members  
MS Thesis and PhD Major Advisor Agreement Designate Major Advisor for thesis and dissertation research
MS Thesis and PhD Committee Agreement Designate Committee Members for thesis and dissertation research
PhD Request for a Candidacy Exam To request an Examining Committee
PhD Dissertation Defense Committee Request To request a Defense Committee for the Dissertation Defense, including approval of two external members
PhD Lab Teaching Certification To document teaching in a lab as part of the doctoral requirements
PhD Lecture Teaching Certification To document teaching in a lecture as part of the doctoral requirements
MS Thesis and PhD Completion of Research Certification Advisory Committee approval of sufficient research
MS NT, Thesis and PhD Approval to schedule defense

Major Advisor approval of draft sufficient to schedule defense

Student Reference Materials 

MS Thesis and PhD Guidelines

Notes on format of the thesis and dissertation; (non-thesis MS research paper is like a term paper, not a bound thesis

Graduate Handbook

The BGES Graduate Handbook

Faculty Exam & Assessment Forms

PhD Candidacy Signature Form (Results of Candidacy Exam) For the Examining Committee to document the results of the Candidacy Exam
PhD Defense Signature Form For the Defense Committee to document the results of the dissertation defense
MS Thesis/Non-thesis Defense Signature Form For the Advisory Committee to document the results of the masters defense
MS Non-Thesis Assessment BIO 690 defense of project/library research paper
MS Thesis Assessment Defense of masters thesis
PhD Dissertation Assessment Defense of doctoral dissertation
Poster Assessment Assessment of posters, e.g., at Research Day
Technique Assessment Assessment of knowledge of basic techniques, done at the beginning and end of the graduate program

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Bio., Geo., & Env. Sciences
2121 Euclid Avenue, BGES
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Science Building (SI)
2399 Euclid Avenue, Rm. 219

Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.2440
Fax: 216.687.6972