Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Bio., Geo., & Env. Sciences
2121 Euclid Avenue, BGES
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Campus Location
Science Building (SI)
2399 Euclid Avenue, Rm. 219
Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.2440
Fax: 216.687.6972
By-laws of BGES
By-laws of the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences (BGES)
Section 1
The Faculty consists of all members of the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences (BGES) who hold the full-time rank of Lecturer or higher. Those with other appointments within the Department may attend appropriate faculty meetings, but shall not vote except as described in Section I.2.
Faculty members classified as Administrative Faculty by the University shall not be considered eligible to vote, with the sole exception of the prerogative of the Chairperson to break a tie vote at regular faculty meetings. Faculty members who are on approved leaves shall not be considered eligible to vote, unless they declare, prior to the onset of leave, an intention to participate in Department affairs during the leave.
Section 2
The Graduate Faculty of the Department of BGES shall consist of members of the BGES Faculty who are also members of the University Graduate Faculty, as well as all Adjunct Faculty members of the Department who also are members of the University Graduate Faculty. This faculty shall be responsible for governance of the graduate programs in the Department.
Section 1
Meetings of the Department of BGES shall be held as needed but not less than once each semester of the academic year (Summer term excepted). Meetings shall be called by the Department Chairperson or on the request of the BGES Faculty, by means of a petition signed by at least twenty-five percent of the BGES Faculty.
If a meeting is not feasible in the summer term, matters arising for consideration in the summer and deemed sufficiently urgent by the Chair or by petition of at least a quarter of the faculty may be circulated and discussed electronically and then with the approval of two-thirds of the faculty submitted to vote by mail-ballot, email ballot, or an appropriate electronic voting system.
Section 2
Adequate notice in the form of an agenda, with copies of any written material to be considered, shall be provided to all individuals eligible to attend Department meetings not less than forty-eight hours prior to any meeting. In the event of an emergency, this provision may be waived by the Department Chairperson.
Section 3A majority of the BGES Faculty shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Changes to the Graduate Program require the approval of a majority of the Graduate Faculty.
Section 4 - Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall be elected for any number of one-year terms by the BGES Faculty. The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for the taking of minutes of Department Meetings, preparing ballots, preparing and maintaining for a period of at least one year recordings of Department Meetings, and maintaining a file of Department decisions.
Section 5
The conduct of all Department meetings shall be in accordance with the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, unless superseded herein. Voting by mail ballot or electronically shall require majority approval. Proxy voting is prohibited. Absentee ballots are permitted. In summer months voting by email, mail ballots, or appropriate electronic voting system are possible as described under Section 1. Email ballots must be copied to both the Recording Secretary and the Chair or the Chair's designee.
Section 1
The duties and the methods of selection and review of the Chairperson of the Department shall be those established by the University. The Chairperson shall be a non-voting, ex-officio member of all committees except the Peer Review Committees. The Chairperson shall chair the regular meetings of the BGES Faculty.
Section 2
In the event of a long-term absence of the Chairperson, the duties of the Chairperson shall be assumed by an interim Chairperson as appointed or elected.
Section 3
In the event of short-term absences of the Chairperson, regular meetings of the BGES Faculty shall be chaired by the first available person in the following list of Department officials: Associate Chair(s), Graduate Program Director(s), Undergraduate Program Director(s), Recording Secretary.
Section 1
The Department Chairperson shall nominate Undergraduate Program Director(s) Advisors, Honors Director(s) and Graduate Program Director(s), each to serve renewable five- year terms. Each nomination shall require mail-ballot approval by a majority of the members of the appropriate Faculty.
Section 2
Any Director may be removed from office at any time by the Chairperson or by petition of two-thirds of the members of the appropriate Faculty.
Section 3 - Undergraduate Program Director(s) and Advisors
- Departmental Undergraduate Program Director – The duties of the Undergraduate Program Director are general oversight of the undergraduate degree programs administered within the Department, including:
- maintaining Departmental files related to the Undergraduate Program
- maintaining liaison with the College and University on matters related to the undergraduate programs of the Department including Scholars
- tracking of changes to the Undergraduate Programs through the University approval process
- maintaining the Undergraduate Catalog for the undergraduate programs
- serving as an ex officio member of the departmental UCCAS
- Program Advisors – Undergraduate program advisors (Biology and Environmental Science) shall have the following duties
- Advising undergraduates on major and minor degree requirements
- Processing transfer credit evaluations and assuring accurate degree audit reports for majors
- Processing and approving graduation applications
- Serving as voting members of the departmental UCCAS
- Advisors shall prepare the Annual Assessment Reports for their programs
Section 4 - Graduate Program Director(s)
The duties of the Graduate Program Director(s) are general oversight of the graduate degree programs administered within the Department, including:
- reviewing applications for admission to the graduate programs of the Department
- making recommendations to the Graduate College on admissions
- providing initial advising of newly admitted students
- maintaining Department files related to the graduate programs
- maintaining liaison with the Graduate College and the University on matters related to the graduate programs of the Department
- serving as Chair and a voting member on the Graduate Committee on Curriculum & Academic Standards and chairing the Subcommittee on Graduate Assistantships
Section 5 – Honors Program Director(s)
The duties of the departmental Honors Program Director(s) are general oversight of the honors undergraduate degree programs administered within the Department, including:
- recommending to UCCAS any changes to the curricular requirements of the Honors Program, as published in the Undergraduate Bulletin
- approving the admission of students into the Honors Program and to advise these students on honors program requirements
- approving all individual Honors Research projects
- monitoring the progress of students through the Honors Program
- monitoring the conduct and quality of all formal Honors Program courses
- adjudicating any conflicts between Honors students and their faculty research sponsors
- approving the composition of all Honors Thesis Defense Committees
- recommending the awarding of Honors Degree status to students who successfully complete the Honor Program
- maintaining Departmental files related to the honors programs
- serving as liaison with College and University directors and committees on matters related to the honors programs of the Department and university
- appeals may be made to UCCAS
Section 1
The following shall be standing committees of the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences:
- Undergraduate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards,
- Graduate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards,
- Faculty Affairs Committee.
Section 2
- The term of office of a faculty member newly elected to a standing committee shall be two years, beginning on April 1 and terminating on March 31 two years later.
- Provision shall be made for staggering the terms of committee members so that continuity is provided.
- Election of new committee members shall take place during March of each year.
- A person may serve no more than two consecutive terms on any standing committee.
- Ex-officio members shall be non-voting members of standing committees.
- If, for any reason, a faculty member is unable to complete a term on a standing committee, the faculty shall elect a replacement for the remainder of the term.
- All committees shall elect a chairperson at their first meeting, which shall be called for that purpose by April 15 by the committee member whose last name comes first in an alphabetical listing of names of committee members.
- Each committee's chairperson shall arrange that all meetings be held at times that are suitable to the committee's members.
Section 3 - Undergraduate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standard
The committee shall consist of the undergraduate advisors and three full-time BGES Faculty members elected by a majority of the votes cast by the BGES Faculty. The UPD is ex officio. Meetings shall be called by the Chairperson of UCCAS or on the request of 2 members of the committee.
- The functions of UCCAS are to approve changes in the copy for appropriate University undergraduate documents and to make recommendation to the BGES Faculty concerning the establishment, inclusion by merger, alteration or correction of:
- undergraduate curricula offered by the Department;
- undergraduate degrees and certificates conferred by the Department;
- undergraduate courses offered by the Department;
- undergraduate courses offered by other departments and required for graduation by the Department;
Section 4 - Graduate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards
The Graduate Committee shall consist of the Graduate Program Director(s), three members elected by and from Cleveland State University BGES Faculty who are also members of the Graduate Faculty, and three members elected by and from the Adjunct Graduate Faculty of the Research Institute of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Meetings shall be called by the Chairperson of GCCAS or on the request of 2 members of the committee.
The duties of the Graduate Committee shall be as follows:
- to make recommendations to the Department concerning the establishment, inclusion by merger, alteration or correction of:
- graduate curricula offered by the Department;
- graduate degrees conferred by the Department;
- graduate courses offered by the Department;
- graduate courses offered by other departments and required for graduation by the Department;
- changes in the copy for appropriate University graduate documents;
- to make recommendations to the Department concerning academic standards of the graduate programs, including:
- grading practices,
- proficiency standards,
- transfer of credits,
- petitions for exceptions to academic regulations;
- to approve the composition of all advisory committees for graduate degree candidates;
- to monitor each candidate's progress and act as arbiter in all disputes that may arise during the candidate's tenure in the program, with the provision that graduate degree candidates and Graduate Faculty supervisors have the right of appeal to the Department;
- to report to the Department on all actions taken with respect to the graduate programs;
- to make annual recommendations to the Chairperson concerning continuation of students' financial assistance.
Section 5 - Subcommittee on Graduate Assistantships
The BGES subset of the Graduate Committee (3 elected members and the Graduate Program Director[s]) shall constitute a Subcommittee on Graduate Assistantships, with responsibility for:
- making recommendations to the Department concerning standards for granting Departmental Graduate Assistantship awards and tuition grants;
- reviewing applicants for Graduate Assistantship awards and making recommendations to the Department Chairperson of applicants to be considered for such awards;
- evaluating awardees' performance and making recommendations to the Department Chairperson on renewal and termination of awards.
Section 6 - Faculty Affairs Committee
The Faculty Affairs Committee shall consist of the chairs of the following five committees: Undergraduate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards; Graduate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards; Peer Review Committee for Appointments; Peer Review Committee for Promotion, Tenure, and Professional Leaves; and the Peer Review Committee for Promotion to Professor.
The function of the Faculty Affairs Committee shall be to consider Departmental issues not specifically under the jurisdiction of other faculty committees or administrative units. In particular, the Faculty Affairs Committee will consider and recommend to the Department and/or Departmental administration, as appropriate, agenda items for faculty meetings, by-laws amendments, proposals for conflict resolution, and proposals for significant change within the Department.
The Faculty Affairs Committee will meet only as required, to elect its chair (by 1 May of each year) and to consider issues brought before it. Any faculty member, at any time, may bring any relevant issue before the Faculty Affairs Committee, which will make recommendations about its disposition within the Department.
Section 1
The Peer Review Committees shall be "committees of the whole." There shall be three such committees, whose duties are determined by University policies. Each of the three committees shall elect a chairperson at their first meeting, which shall be called for that purpose by April 15 of each year by the committee member whose last name comes first in an alphabetical listing of names of committee members.
Section 2 - Committee for AppointmentsThis committee shall consist of all BGES Faculty. It shall be responsible for the appointment of all new full-time faculty and for re-appointment of part-time and Adjunct faculty.
When full-time positions are available in the Department, the BGES faculty shall elect an ad hoc Search Committee, consisting of at least three full-time faculty of the Department, for each position. The duties of each Search Committee shall be to circulate advertisements of available positions, collect dossiers on candidates, and recommend to the full-time faculty those candidates they believe should be interviewed for the position. The Search Committee shall be responsible for all of the clerical duties associated with each search.
Section 3 - Peer Review Committee for Promotion, Tenure, and Professional Leaves
This committee shall consist of all the full-time Faculty who hold the rank of Associate Professor or higher and have tenure.
Section 4 - Peer Review Committee for Promotion to Professor
This committee shall consist of all the full-time faculty of the Department who hold the rank of Professor and have tenure, plus two tenured Professors of cognate Department(s). These latter two Professors shall be elected for two year terms by the full-time BGES faculty holding the rank of Assistant Professor or higher.
See Policy
Section 1
These By-Laws shall be ratified by a favorable vote of two-thirds of the BGES Faculty as defined in Article I, Section 1. These By-Laws shall be in effect beginning fourteen days following their ratification.
Section 1
Announcement of intention to amend these By-Laws must be made at a meeting of the BGES Faculty, at which time the amendment will be read and entered in the minutes, but not discussed. Debate and action on the amendment will take place at subsequent meetings of the BGES Faculty. Amendments require the approval of two-thirds of the BGES Faculty and normally shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Copyright © 2023
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
College of Science, Cleveland State University
All rights reserved.
Update: August 24, 2023
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Bio., Geo., & Env. Sciences
2121 Euclid Avenue, BGES
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Campus Location
Science Building (SI)
2399 Euclid Avenue, Rm. 219
Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.2440
Fax: 216.687.6972