Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Bio., Geo., & Env. Sciences
2121 Euclid Avenue, BGES
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Campus Location
Science Building (SI)
2399 Euclid Avenue, Rm. 219
Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.2440
Fax: 216.687.6972
BGES Emeriti Faculty
Emeriti faculty members in the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences were members of the department prior to their retirement and have chosen to retain their title; they may or may not have an active connection with the department.
Abbed Babaei | CSU GEO | structural geology, deformation fabrics of the shear zones, geochemical and tectonic interpretation of ophiolitic complexes |
Jeff Dean | CSU | neuroethology, neurobiology, animal behavior, sensory physiology, motor control, Xenopus, control of arm movements, artificial neural networks |
F. Paul Doerder | CSU CMB | genetics and cell biology: molecular genetics of Tetrahymena cell-surface proteins; genetic regulation of differential gene expression; cytogenetics of ciliate macronuclei; ciliate population genetics |
A. Ralph Gibson | CSU | biology |
Cecilie A. Goodrich | ||
Harry van Keulen | CSU CMB | biochemistry and molecular biology: 1) molecular biology of protozoan parasites; structure, organization and expression of genes in Giardia; 2) plants and bioremediation |
Sally Lewis | ||
Howard H. Lo | CSU GEO | |
Barbara Modney | CSU | neuroscience: specificity of synaptic connections during development and following injury; development of neuronal circuits and behavior |
Jerome B. Senturia | ||
James M. Willard |
Home Institution | Research Area |
CSU - Cleveland State University CCF - Cleveland Clinic Foundation CWRU - Case Western Reserve University JCU - John Carroll University CBG - Cleveland Botanical Garden CMP - Cleveland Metroparks CMZ - Cleveland Metroparks Zoo CMNH - Cleveland Museum of Natural History | CMB - Cell and Molecular Biology OEB - Organismal and Evolutionary Biology GEO - Geology ESC - Environmental Science |
College Faculty Profiles | Faculty: Edit your College Faculty Profile here |
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Bio., Geo., & Env. Sciences
2121 Euclid Avenue, BGES
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Campus Location
Science Building (SI)
2399 Euclid Avenue, Rm. 219
Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.2440
Fax: 216.687.6972