
Earn a Bachelor of Science


Chemistry - American Chemical Society (ACS) Certified Track

This program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree provides a strong foundation in the fundamentals of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, and meets the requirements for professional certification by the American Chemical Society.

This program provides the broad fundamental knowledge most suited to students planning to become professional chemists or planning to pursue graduate training.

Chemistry - Pre-Professional Studies Track

This B.S. program in chemistry for students who plan to continue graduate study in the medical sciences provides those courses required and strongly recommended by most medical schools and also affords an excellent base for students considering careers in medicine, medical research, dentistry, pharmaceutical sciences or veterinary medicine. This program does not lead to certification by the American Chemical Society.

Pharmaceutical Science - Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis Track

This track focuses on chemical analysis and provides training in both quantitative and instrumental analysis. This is an appropriate track for those considering any graduate or physician program, or for persons who wish to perform bench research in industry.

Pharmaceutical Science - Medicinal and Biological Chemistry Track

This track focuses on biological processes and biochemical analysis. This is an appropriate track for those considering any graduate or physician program, or for persons who wish to perform bench research in industry. This track has more biology instruction than the Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis track, and maybe more appropriate for those with interest in the biological sciences.  

Certificate Program in Forensic Chemistry

Rationale and Background

The certificate program is geared towards preparing the student for work in most sections of the forensic laboratory, including trace, drugs, arson, and toxicology.  Recently, there has been a significant increase in interest about the forensic science profession.  While not all of the portrayals of forensic scientists on television accurately show the actual work of the forensic scientists, a lot of interest was generated among the public, providing us with a great opportunity to attract more students into chemistry.

There is high flexibility in the career choices of the certificate recipients.  Because the certificate program provides such a strong background in chemistry, many career options are available to our graduates who go on to earn a B.S. degree.  In addition to working in city, state or federal crime labs, our graduates will be able to work in a variety of chemical industries; to pursue advanced study in chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences, pathology, and law school; and to teach at the middle school and high school levels.  Moreover, graduates of the program need only four to five more courses to be prepared for medical or veterinary school.


In order to earn a certificate in forensic chemistry, students need to complete the following courses:

  • CHM 411*      Instrumental Analysis                4 cr hrs
  • CHM 417        Forensic Chemistry                   3 cr hrs            
  • CHM 455        Biotechnology Techniques         4 cr hrs            
  • SOC 250         Intro to Criminology                  3 cr hrs
  • CHM 496        Forensics Internship                  3 cr hrs            

*CHM 411, Instrumental Analysis, requires General Chemistry I and II (CHM 261 and 262) and Analytical Chemistry (CHM 311) as prerequisites.

Please contact the Chemistry Department Office at 216-687-2451 for further information or to schedule an appointment with the Chemistry Undergraduate Advisor.

Chemistry Minor

Requirements for minor:

General Chemistry (CHM 261262 or 262H266 and 267 or 267H or 278) and 14 additional credits in chemistry courses numbered 300 or higher.

Honors Program

The Chemistry Department participates in the Honors Program at CSU by requiring honors students who are chemistry majors (available for all tracks) to register for research courses (either CHM 379H Independent Study or, with senior status, CHM 479H Senior Research) under the guidance of a professor who acts as mentor. Honors chemistry students are required to enroll in at least 2 credit hours of research coursework each semester, for a minimum of 8 credit hours by the time of degree completion. Students are required to begin enrolling in research courses upon declaration of a Chemistry major or upon acceptance into the Honors Program. By getting involved in scientific research as soon as possible, honors students will better understand chemistry's status as a bench science and have the opportunity to participate in original, ground-breaking laboratory work.

Secondary Teacher Licensure

Students have the option of a single field licensure in chemistry, a dual field licensure in physical science and chemistry, or an integrated science licensure with a concentration in chemistry. All licensure programs require coursework from the College of Science and the College of Education and Human Services. Contact the Chemistry adviser for required science courses. Contact the Education Student Service Center for the education courses required for licensure or for information on the requirements for Post-Baccalaureate Secondary Teacher Licensure (216-687-4625 or Rhodes Tower 1401).

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Dept. of Chemistry
2121 Euclid Ave., CHM
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Science & Research Center (SR)
2351 Euclid Avenue, Rm. 397

Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.2451
Fax: 216.687.9298