
Masters of Science Program

Program Overview

The Master of Science degree in chemistry is designed for both full-time and part-time students. It provides advanced training for those who wish to further their careers in industry, laboratory medicine, or teaching, as well as students who feel the need for more study before pursuing a Ph.D. or MD.

Graduate course offerings are scheduled in the evening so employed students can earn the degree on a part-time basis, taking one or two courses per semester. Graduate training at the MS level is offered in analytical, clinical, inorganic, organic, physical, and environmental chemistry. The MS degree in the area of clinical chemistry includes practical training in the dynamics of operating modern, well-equipped medical laboratories.

The MS program in chemistry offers both thesis and non-thesis options, except in the area of clinical chemistry, which is a coursework-only program.

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Admission Requirements

Prerequisites: 1 year of general, organic, analytical, and physical chemistry, 1 year of physics; and mathematics through partial derivatives and multiple integrals.

Minimum G.P.A: 2.75
Domestic GRE Requirement: Waived if G.P.A above 3.0
International GRE Requirement: Cannot be waived if degree obtained outside of the U.S

Degree Completion Requirements

The MS degree requires the completion of at least thirty-two credit hours of core and elective courses. The formal course work for the MS degree is structured around a core of courses that includes nine to twelve credit hours of advanced chemistry courses from three chemistry categories and two credit hours of chemistry seminar. The remaining credit requirements may be fulfilled with any combination of elective courses suitable to a desired concentration and approved by the student’s advisor.

MS students in the clinical chemistry program fulfill the departmental thirty-two-credit-hour requirement by completing the sequence of courses specified by the program.

Non-thesis MS students usually complete the credit requirement by taking appropriate courses as arranged by their advisor.

Thesis MS students in all areas ordinarily complete their program by taking appropriate courses for a total of at least sixteen credits (excluding credit for CHM 600) and then at least sixteen credits in experimental research (CHM 699) under the direction of a faculty advisor selected by the student. Upon completion of the research, each student is required to produce and defend a thesis accepted by a thesis committee. The committee consists of the student’s advisor and at least two other graduate faculty members

Exit Requirements

MS students must either complete at least thirty-two credit hours of approved course work with a grade-point average of 3.0 or higher or complete at least sixteen credit hours of approved course work with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, at least 16 credit hours of CHM 699 MS Thesis, and successfully defend a master’s thesis.