Contact Information
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
College of Arts and Sciences
2121 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
Berkman Hall, 218
Science and Research, 353
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
College of Arts and Sciences
2121 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
Berkman Hall, 218
Science and Research, 353
We know information about and directly from academic departments, academic advisors, and student support professionals is what students need, so use this page to learn who and how to contact us about majors or departments you might be interested in. Note that each undergraduate major also has a degree map – a sample pathway to graduation for each major – and you can find all of those on the Degree Maps webpage. If you are unsure who to contact or have more general questions about any programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, please reach out to us at 216-687-9321 or
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
College of Arts and Sciences
2121 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
Berkman Hall, 218
Science and Research, 353