Office of the Dean

Lectures for High Schools

Department of Art and Design

Contact: 216.687.2065,

  • Dr. Kathy Curnow, “Art of the Benin Kingdom,” or “The Kongo Kingdom and African-American Art and Culture”

Department of English

Contact: 216-687-3951,

  • Ms. Melanie Gagich, "‪Stressed Out? How to Prepare for College Writing"
  • Dr. Jeff Karem, "Langston Hughes and the Blues," "Why America Needs Literature," and "Immigrant Contributions to American Literature"
  • Dr. Adam Sonstegard, "Cleveland is Still Charles Chesnutt's Country" (Available in Spring 2024)

Department of History

Contact: 216.687.3920,

  • Dr. Thomas Humphrey, “Colonial America,” or “The American Revolution”
  • Dr. Meshack Owino, “20th Century Africa: Kenya”
  • Dr. Shelley Rose, “Weimar Germany,” or “War and Peace in Europe in the 20th Century”

School of Music

Contact: 216-687-2151,

  • Dr. John Perrine, “The Improvised Life Informed by Improvisation in Music”

Department of Physics

Contact: 216-687-2425,

  • Dr. Ulrich Zurcher, "Physics of Sports," and "Physics of Metabolism"

Department of Political Science

Contact: 216-687-4541,

  • Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, “Europe as a Novel Political System”

Department of Theatre and Dance

Contact: 216-687-2113,

  • Dr. Holly Holsinger, “Introduction for Acting”
  • Ms. Lynn Deering, “Studying Dance at the University”

Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Contact: 216.687.4645,

  • Dr. Antonio Medina-Rivera, “Latinos in the US”
    Description: An overview of the Latino population in the US, their history, contributions, and presence. In addition, we will examine some of their challenges and issues affecting them.
  • Dr. Antonio Medina-Rivera, “Language and Dialectal Differences in the Spanish Speaking World”
    Description: An opportunity to look at the linguistic variety in the Spanish-speaking world, with a special focus on vocabulary and pronunciation.
  • Dr. Annie Jouan-Westlund, “French Rap Music”
    Description: An overview of the French Hip Hop Scene from the 1980s to today, focusing on lyrics, themes, and social issues.
  • Dr. Abed Tayyara, “Understanding Islam”
    Description: The aim of this talk is to introduce basic information about Islam, such as  Islamic teachings (Qur'an, the pillar of Islam, prophethood in Islam, comparison between Islam and other religions, etc). It also includes a historical background about major figures in Islam. 
  • Dr. Stephen Gingerich, “Spanish pop-rock”
    Description: Specifically how it combines an international rock idiom with traditional Spanish folk traditions.
  • Dr. Stephen Gingerich, “Historical and political consciousness in contemporary German pop-rock”
  • Ms. Elia Iafelice, “English terminology in Italian language”
    Description: Inclusion of English terminology in Italian, with a special emphasis in technology, fashion, culinary and social media.
Anthropology Program 
  • Dr. Peter Dunham, “Archaeological Project in Belize,” or “Why Is There No Scientific (Biological) Basis to Race?”