STEM Peer Teachers
Operation STEM
Contact OpSTEM
Dr. Sara Froehlich
Director, OpSTEM & LSAMP
1860 East 22nd Street | RT1448
Cleveland, OH 44115
Mr. Juan Amador
Coordinator, OpSTEM & LSAMP
1860 East 22nd Street | RT1444
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
STEM Peer Teachers (SPTs) are undergraduate students who work with the MTH 165 - Intensive Precalculus I, MTH 167 - Precalculus I, MTH 168 - Precalculus II, MTH 181 - Calculus I and/or MTH 182 - Calculus II instructors to mentor and assist CSU students enrolled in these courses better understand the content.
SPTs have taken and excelled in the course they support and showed a keen interest in helping their fellow peers.
The primary goal of the SPT is to help increase students' interests, abilities and confidence so that they can excel in their respective math classes within the Precalculus to Calculus II sequence.
SPT Training
The STEM Peer Teachers engage in 14 - 21 hours of professional development prior to the start of each semester in order to prepare materials for the SPT sessions, learn how to teach math effectively, manage a classroom and challenging students, etc., (see all topics below). The sessions are designed and led by CSU faculty, staff, graduate students and veteran SPTs.
Contact OpSTEM
Dr. Sara Froehlich
Director, OpSTEM & LSAMP
1860 East 22nd Street | RT1448
Cleveland, OH 44115
Mr. Juan Amador
Coordinator, OpSTEM & LSAMP
1860 East 22nd Street | RT1444
Cleveland, Ohio 44115