Ashley Zehel

Zehel.jpgAshley Zehel graduated in May 2015 and has since been teaching Spanish full time at Arkansas State University.  She credits her Teaching Assistantship with Dr. Lee Wilberschied in the MA Spanish program at Cleveland State for a lot of what she learned about teaching a foreign language.  Ashley says she "discovered [her] passion for creating authentic communication and the flipped classroom model" under the direction of Dr. Wilberschied, as well as acknowledging that the graduate program at Cleveland State taught her how to "create and implement course policies, activities, and exams". 

On top of her experiences in the program at CSU, Ms. Zehel says a highlight of her studies was her time abroad in Costa Rica, an opportunity she recognizes as unique to CSU in terms of graduate studies.  In Costa Rica she improved her research and analytical skills, thanks to CSU's introductory Research Methods course.  She says this course, and the study abroad as a whole, gave her the tools and confidence to support her final projects at a variety of academic conferences.  Her final paper for the MA program, La política argentina en la literatura: las semejanzas polifónicas entre El matadero de Esteban Echeverría y El campo de Griselda Gambaro, is available in the main office of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures.

Ms. Zehel was recently awarded the Cleveland State College of Graduate Studies'  Excellent Graduate Teaching Assistant Award for 2015.

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
2121 Euclid Ave., WLC
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Campus Location
Rhodes Tower (RT)
1860 E. 22nd Street
Room 1619

Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.4646
Fax: 216.687.4650