Lektorat slovenskega jezika

Harmony_by_ATAPLATA.jpgLuka Zibelnik, an instructor from the University of Ljubljana (Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani) is teaching Slovenian language courses at both Cleveland State University (The Center for Slovenian Studies) and Lakeland Community College.

Luka Zibelnik is a trained and experienced instructor in teaching Slovenian to American students whose first language is English. His courses emphasize language teaching, but also incorporate material on Slovene history, culture, literature and even daily life in modern Slovenia.

The Slovenian Studies curriculum consists of two one-year undergraduate courses: Slovenian Language for Beginners and Intermediate Slovenian. Both courses can receive college credit and continue through both semesters. It is recommended that students with no prior knowledge of the Slovenian language start with Beginning Slovenian in the fall semester.

At CSU, both courses are open to enrolled CSU students who will earn 4 hours of college credit for each term of study. CSU Project 60 students also may attend on a no-cost audit basis if class size permits. At Lakeland Community College, only Slovenian Language for Beginners is taught. The course is open to enrolled LLC students who will earn 3 hours of college credit for each semester of study. LCC Senior Citizens Audit students also may attend on a low-cost audit basis if class size permits.

This is the only such program offered in Ohio, and CSU and LLC are among 50 colleges and universities worldwide offering such studies. For more information on learning Slovenian as a foreign language please click here.

Lektorat slovenskega jezika je edini možen tečaj slovenskega jezika, ki poteka na fakultetni ravni v Ohiu. Študentje za dokončan semester dobijo 4 kreditne točke. Tečaj traja toliko, kot traja semester na izbrani fakulteti. Sestavljen je iz štirih delov: začetniški tečaj 1, začetniški tečaj 2, nadaljevalni tečaj 1 in nadaljevalni tečaj
2. Vpis v začetniški in nadaljevalni tečaj 1 bo možen jeseni na Cleveland State University, medtem ko bo na Lakeland Community College zaenkrat možen le vpis v začetniški tečaj
1. Lektorat poučuje Luka Zibelnik, lektor slovenskega jezika, na delo napoten s strani programa Slovenščina na tujih univerzah Centra za slovenščino kot drugi ali tuji jezik Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (http://www.centerslo.net)

Photo: Harmony / photo by Aleš Pirnat

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Center for Slovenian Studies
2121 Euclid Ave., RT 1654A
Cleveland, OH 44115

Campus Location
1860 East 22nd Street
Rhodes Tower, Room 1654A
Phone: 216.925.3652

Contact Information
Luka Zibelnik, Lecturer
Phone: 216.925.3652