REFLECTIONS: Foundations and Developments of Generative Grammar

Welcome to our online talk series!

Syntactic theory in the generative framework has been developing for the past 70 years. It is time to write the history of our field, reflecting on its foundations as they bear on current work, and to discuss outstanding questions which may reveal avenues for future research. To facilitate this, we have created an online talk series, where long-standing scholars in the field reflect on their early work from a current perspective, tracing the development of the theory over time. We invite you to participate with us in this exciting process! REFLECTIONS talks have a 2-hour slot, with a talk lasting around one hour, followed by questions and discussions. 

April 5, 12:00 pm EDT, 2025 Ian Roberts
June 27, 12:00 pm EDT, 2025Rita Manzini
February 8, 2025Adriana Belletti: Comparative Dimensions in Morphosyntax: Insights from Acquisition Studies / Slides
September 28, 2024Robert Freidin: Conceptual Shifts in the Science of Grammar / Handout
June 29, 2024Howard Lasnik: Optionality in Generative Syntax / Handout
April 20, 2024Hagit Borer: Reflecting on the Generative Word / Slides
February 10, 2024Richard Kayne: Generative Syntax Over the Years. On Some Changes & Some Non-changes / Handout
November 11, 2023Robert May: The Genesis of Generative Grammar: Syntax and Logical Form / Slides

Please register here and a Zoom link will be sent to you the day before each talk.


Lydia Grebenyova

Kleanthes K. Grohmann

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
Dept. of Art & Design
2121 Euclid Ave., ART
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

Campus Location
Theatre and Arts Building (TA)
(Formerly Middough Building - MB)
1901 E. 13th Street

Contact Us
Phone: 216.687.2040