*Navarre, K. M., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2024, April). Understanding borderline personality disorder and rehospitalization through the role of rumination and attention disengagement. Poster to be presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Boston, MA.
*Navarre, K. M., Horner, C., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2024, April). Frequency Matters: Non-suicidal Self-Injury History and Frequency Predicts Occurrence of Recent Suicidal Thoughts Among Inpatient Adults. Poster to be presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Boston, MA.
*Navarre, K. M., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2024, April). Novel approaches to assessing and intervening on repetitive negative thinking. In R. Jacoby (Chair), Cultivating positive affect and reducing negative affect using positive autobiographical memories: The undermining effects of rumination and eye-tracking attention disengagement difficulties Symposium conducted at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Boston, MA.