Internalizing Disorders (Depression & Anxiety), Symptoms, Affects, & Related Behaviors
*Mirhosseini, T. Olczyk, A. & Yaroslavsky, I. (2020, November). Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression within Families: Unique effects on Adolescents’ Depression. Poster presented at the 54th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.
*Olczyk, A. Mirhosseini, T. & Yaroslavsky, I. (2020, November). Sympathetic Nervous system activity predicts decreased negative affect in lab and in daily life. Poster presented at the 54th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.
Personality Disorders, Traits, & Related Affects
*Scamaldo., K., & Yaroslavsky, I. ((2020, November). Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms and Emotion Regulation Flexibility in Daily Life. Poster presented at the 54th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.
Substance Use
*Scamaldo., K., Napolitano, S., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2020, November). The impact of interpersonal context on substance use in daily life for individuals with borderline personality disorder symptoms. Poster presented at the 54th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.