Internalizing Disorders (Depression & Anxiety), Symptoms, Affects, & Related Behaviors
*Griesmer, A., Ward, J., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). Reactivity of alpha-band EEG asymmetry differentiates those with comorbid anxiety and depression from those with depression alone. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
*Griesmer, A., Ward, J., Bodenbender, B., Najjar, K., Golias, L., Ponomariova, I. & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). Social anxiety moderates the effects of depression on distress in response to social exclusion. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
*Mann, M. & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). Use of a novel IAT of mood repair in predicting depression outcomes. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
*Ward, J., Griesmer, A., Bodenbender, B., Najjar, K., Golias, L., Ponomariova, I. & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). Depression histories differentially predict spontaneous emotion regulation and negative affect to social exclusions. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
*Ward, J., Richmond, J., Najjar, K., Golias, L., Bodenbender, B., Ponomariova, I. & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). Emotion regulation deficits differentially mediate the effects of childhood abuse on borderline symptoms as a function of abuse and source type. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
Personality Disorders, Traits, & Related Affects
*Scamaldo, K., Richmond, J., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). Emotion reactivity to interpersonal exclusion among those with BPD symptoms: The roles of Rejection Sensitivity and state Emotional Regulation. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
*Richmond, J., Golias, E., Ponomariova, I., Najjar, K., Bodenbender, B. & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). Emotion regulation strategies mediate the effects of borderline personality disorder negative and positive affect in daily life. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York City, NY.
Culture/Gender/Sexual Minority Status
*Khalid, S., Najjar, K., Gaynier, L., Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). Acculturation moderates the effects of suppression on depression among Arabs. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
*Osinski, K., Bodenbender, B., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). A Multi-Cultural Examination of the relationship between Sociotropy, Excessive Reassurance Seeking Behavior, and Interpersonal Stress. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
*Najjar, K., Khalid, S., Gaynier, L., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). Mood repair strategies and depression risk across individuals of Arab and non-Arab descent. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
*Najjar, K., Khalid, S., Gaynier, L. & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). Explanatory styles and depression risk in Arab Americans: A cross cultural perspective. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
Substance Use
*Bodenbender, B., Vebares, T., Scott, L., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). The Effects of Cardiac Autonomic Balance and Personality Characteristics on the Prevalence of Lifetime Cannabis Use in Young Women. Poster presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
Social Cognition
*Murray, M., Bodenbender, B., Najjar, K., Golias, E., Ponomariova, I., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2016, October). The roles of social cognition and emotional reactivity in social functioning. Poster presentation at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. New York, NY.