Recent Environmental Science Graduate Awarded a Knauss Fellowship from Ohio Sea Grant

88 finalists selected from all eligible Sea Grant Programs (Pacific, Gulf, Atlantic and Great Lakes coasts)

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Sea Grant College P

Students Help Solve Local Water Issues

This spring, CSU hosted a regional design competition sponsored by the Northeast Section of the Ohio Water Environment Association (NESOWEA) for interdisciplinary student teams interested in water and

Tarun K. Mal Memorials

The BGES Department has established the Tarun K. Mal Memorial Scholarship Fund in memory of our former faculty member, who died tragically in August 2005, following a laboratory accident. As

New Writing courses for Biology majors

ALL BIOLOGY MAJORS: beginning with the Fall 2006 semester the department is changing how you can take Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) courses within the major. The significant changes to the curri